
Forms of payment: Cash, Check, Credit Card, Health, Auto Insurance



Q: Can I get a receipt at the time of my treatment to send to my insurance company and then pay you when I receive the reimbursement? 

A: Unfortunately, no. All payments are due at the time of your treatment with the exception of Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) cases. For MVA patients a Statement of Account is sent to the insurance company. The patient does not pay up front. 

Q: Are Liberty Acupuncture providers registered or certified? 

A: All acupuncturists, are registered or certified in their respective professions. 

Q: Will getting treatment for my injuries cause my auto insurance rates may increase due to "no-fault" insurance? 

A: Your rates will not increase if the accident was not your fault. This is true regardless of whether or not you receive acupuncture or massage therapy. Similarly, if you are assessed any liability (i.e. fault) in an accident your rates may increase regardless of whether or not you receive treatment for your injuries.

Q: My insurance plan does not cover certain types of treatments. Is there anything I can do about this? 

A: Unfortunately, not immediately. Talk to your human resources department. If there is enough interest, they may eventually change your coverage.   

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