Everybody responds differently to acupuncture. This is not due to a lack of efficacy. If the theory behind Traditional Chinese Medicine is to help an individual find his/her personal balance, each person will have a different path to finding that point. Further, sometimes just becoming aware and sensitive to your body’s reactions involves practice. This is the same reason an individual may feel different effects from one treatment to the next.
Keeping in mind, that from a holistic standpoint, acupuncture is most powerful when used as a preventive measure balancing health and well being, from a Western standpoint acupuncture is best known for pain relief and is highly effective at treating many other ailments. The World Health Organization (WHO) has released a list of diseases that lend themselves to treatment by acupuncture. Herbal remedies may broaden this range of treatable disorders. They include:
•Upper Respiratory Tract
•Acute sinusitis
•Acute rhinitis
•Common Cold
•Acute tonsillitis
•Respiratory System
•Acute bronchitis
•Bronchial asthma (most effective in children and in patient’s without complicating diseases)
•Disorders of the Eye
•Acute conjunctivitis
•Central retinitis
•Myopia (in children)
•Cataract (without complications)
•Disorders of the Mouth
•Toothaches, post extraction pain
•Acute and chronic pharyngitis
•Gastrointestinal Disorders
•Spasms of esophagus and cardia
•Acute and chronic gastritis
•Gastric hyperacidity
•Chronic duodenal ulcer (pain relief)
•Acute duodenal ulcer (without complications)
•Acute and chronic colitis
•Acute bacillary dysentary
• Constipation
•Paralytic ileus
•Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders
•Headaches and migraine
•Trigeminal neuralgia
•Facial palsy (early stage, within 3-6 months)
•Paresis following stroke
•Peripheral neuropathis
•Sequelae to poliomyelitis (early stage, within 6 months)
•Meniere’s Disease
•Neurogenic bladder dysfunction
•Nocturnal enuresis
•Intercostal neuralgia
•Cervicobrachial syndrome
•“Frozen shoulder”, “tennis elbow”
•Low Back Pain
However, keeping in mind that the application of acupuncture has existed since at least 200 bc., it is only recently that Oriental Medicine has been systematically explored using the scientific method. Therefore, there are many conditions which have yet to be scientifically tested but have long been regarded by Chinese medical texts as treatable by acupuncture. A look at the symptom survey section gives a glimpse of some of those symptoms. Some of the very common conditions we treat include:
•Internal Medicine
•Stomach pain
• Dizziness
•Mood swings
•Frequent Urination
• Skin disorders (eczema, rashes, balding)
•Gynaecological issues (irregular menstrual cycle, painful periods, mammary nodules, discharge)
•Opthamological conditions (swollen eyes, tearing eyes, styes)
•Otorhinolarynological conditions (ringing in ears, deafness, loss of voice, nasal congestion)
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